I have a tendency to jump the hurdle before looking how high it might be. In such, I stumble all over myself trying to get my balance again while looking like "I meant to do that". I think I may have jumped before looking again but I am so excited about it that I don't care if I fall or not. Sound wierd? Nah, I am just joining the Nanowrimo challenge. What is Nanowrimo, you ask? It means National November Writing Month. It is a challenge to any and all writers-to-be and old vets at the profession to dive in and write 50,000 words in one month. 50,000? Lottie, have you been smokin' the funny stuff? Nah, again. It can be done. I am going to try to be one of those who kick out the 50K for the win. I have been promising my readers a sequel to my book "Balance on the Terra" for a long time. Trust me, 50,000 words will give me a good kick start. I hope I have all of your support in this. I will keep accountable by posting my daily word count on here and on my Twitter, G+ and Facebook. You see, in order to accomplish this challenge, I will need to write on average 1667 words a day. Now this is Thanksgiving month plus getting things set up for Yule and Christmas. I will need to be ahead of the game so I can take the three days around Thanksgiving off from writing and be with family. Now that changes my average words per day to 1852 words a day. Whew! Am I nervous yet? Absolutely! Am I going to chicken out and come to my senses? Hell no. This is my first time participating and I am loving it. Book 2, here I come!
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fantasyauthor68
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/santrabelle
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fantasyauthor68
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/santrabelle
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