I've started the second book of the Legacy's Children series, The Cronos Seed. I have had just notes until now. So far, I am really happy how its flowing. I wanted to share the opening of the first chapter with you. I hope you like it and please leave a comment.

On a
cliff overlooking a sleeping valley, Drocus and his daughter, Astera, sat and
waited. It was early when he scooped her out of her mother’s arms for this
morning excursion. The distance they traveled was great, but as a Holy One, the
running time was short. He enjoyed this new ability of his. The valley they
were watching was behind the mountains they knew as the Ulgan Mountains, tucked
into a canyon that looked for all intents and purposes like a bowl, the
entrance only found once a great deal of climbing was done.
valley was webbed with a dense fog that licked up the rock faces surrounding
it. The air was cool, but comfortable. Tiny Astera was curious enough that her
sleepy almond shaped eyes, dark and aware, swept the scene in front of her in
Drocus touched his finger to her lips, and pointed to the valley below. They
waited. As dawn made its entrance, the fog began to lift and Astera let out a
gasp. From wall to wall, the canyon was full of beautiful doe. “Oh, Papa! Why
are they here?”
pointed to a plateau across from them. There it was. Standing at the edge of
the mesa stood a stag, tall and proud. Astera smiled big, and wrapped her arms
around Drocus’ neck. Drocus was happy to see his daughter light up at such
wonders, and especially glad that he could share them with her. The providence
of her birth was still a mystery to them all. She had begun her life as a
Sylvan-fairy, but with the help of the Creator of Time, here she sat in Drocus’
lap as his daughter. She had the appearance of a four year old infant, with
red, curly hair and the dark eyes of the Drow. Her knowledge would sometimes
seem beyond her peers, then return to that of his little girl. Then there was
the issue of her powers. Time will help her discover them, he knew, and all he
could do was simply be there for her as she did.
Thanks for reading this. I am only as successful as the support I get from all of you. Thanks for being there for me. ~ Lottie M Hancock
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