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Showing posts from January, 2017

How to Breed Creativity

Is there something that you do during the day that just makes your mind burst with ideas? Is it driving in the car or folding laundry? I get mine at crazy times. I am in the process of organizing my cabinets. I am a week behind on the 52 Weeks to an Organized Home Challenge. Last week was organizing cabinets and drawers. I did drawers first day but it kinda dwindled from there. So, this week was supposed to be sorting out food storage and pantry but today I am finishing up the cabinets from last week. Enjoying it, actually. While I was emptying everything under the sun out of what was supposed to have been only a pan cabinet but held everything from a spice rack I forgot I had to two rolls of aluminum foil that I thought I was out of, my mind went to that pantry and how it isn't working for me. I suddenly got inspired to move my pantry and rebuild. Then I thought of my next book and a new way to outline that would take me to the top. I was on a roll. In the mean time, I had totally...

How to Know What to Write

Hello all my fellow writers and readers! It is cloudy outside and no one else is home but me. The good side of that is I am a writing monster when it's like this! No writer's block could withstand a day like today. Yesterday I was talking to someone about writer's block and she she said that her problem wasn't that she had an idea but was stuck. Her problem was that she couldn't figure out what to write at all. She asked me how I found topics to write about. It was a good question. When I am staring at that blank page and know I want to write but nothing is rattling around in my brain, it is kinda sucky. I yell at the pen for not working. I rip out the page and wad it up even though nothing is written on it. I pace. Then I ultimately head to the fridge. That is what happens about 40% of the time. The other 60%? It's as plain as that blank page, I told her. Write what you know, and if you don't know it, look it up till you do. She said that she was screwed th...

Battling Writer's Block

You get the best idea. You want it on paper so fast you spill your coffee while getting to the desk. You fire up your writing program and FLASH! There is that white screen and your idea just went out the window... Yea, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Of course, the t-shirt is white and blank like that damned blank screen. Writer's block. They should have a remedy for that by now. Some sort of pill or nasty tasting elixir that instantly heals it and we can write like the literary geniuses that we are! OK, Maybe that's not in our near future, but the problem is real. Crazy as it sounds, we don't always have the inspiration or the want-to to write that million dollar novel or that awe inspiring blog post. Our brains just say, Nope, not doing it today. Try back tomorrow or next week. Better luck next time. <Insert that evil laugh that you swear is coming from everywhere but you know it is coming from that white screen of evil that is currently controlling your l...

Rejection Letter TO a Publisher

 We all get these kind of letters from publishers and agents alike. This is my take on if the roles were finally reversed.   Dear Esteemed Publishing Corporation, After some deep consideration, I must regretfully inform you that I must reject your rejection letter. Although it was cleverly written and grammatically correct, I could not find myself accepting such content. I do appreciate the fact that you mentioned my novel in your letter, however, and such considerations do carry some weight with me. With that being said, I will give you another chance. I would suggest that your revise your letter and send it in again. Perhaps the second time will be the charm. Sincerely, Lottie M. Hancock