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Showing posts from October, 2012

Chasing Amanda

Pick up your copy of Chasing Amanda. Only .99 on kindle. http://www. 4WF5202/ref=as_li_qf_sp_asin_il_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B004WF5202&linkCode=as2&tag=paramang-20   …

The Insanity of Writing

Yea, I admit it. I hear voices in my head. I daydream being on a great quest with a kinder, a dwarf and a great wizard to who knows where for who knows what. I attempt, whats the word, yea, improvisation of a fantasy situation. Asking my son or fiance what we will do if the ogres do invade our village. Sometimes it works, other times they look at me like I need another Citalipram.  I wake up at all hours of the night writing in an illegable writing in a notebook in the dark. I spend hours planning all of the details and mapping it all out for the next morning only to scrap it all with a new route in the story. I forget whether or not I had eaten because the characters in the story just had a major meal and I think I did too. I do without sleep to write until the loved ones remind me that 48 hours is a bit too much to sit at a keyboard in one stretch. I have woke up with keyboard face with the end of the last sentence being nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnmmmmmmmmm.........  The writer lives i...